© 2007 Adam Johnson

Surviving: Breathing life back into WhitewaterFreestyle with Big air and Big Travels

Whoah, it has certainly been a while. The last update was on March 16th. There has certainly been a lot going on since then. The Dries of the New ran again, as well as many Blackwater runs, then the end of school, and an eastern Canada trip (Quebec, oh yeah buddy), among many other things. So, here are just a few random photos for your viewing pleasure. Complete updates will follow later.

Adam Johnson on the Dries in March. What an unbelievable day.

Andrew Holcombe bounces big on this uncontrollable wave.

Ben Guska going right. Big thanks to him for videoing that day.

Chilling on the banks of the dries.

That day on the Dries was probably the best one I have ever had. Huge air, great friends, and good times. Granted, it was snowing and 37 degrees, but that did not matter. The fact that the line consisted of all friends and the wait was actually good to rest made it all the better.

Removing trees from the Basse Cache, QC, Canada.

David Laroche and crew spent an entire day cleaning out this run. Mad props to them for that. There was lots of wood and low water. They were cleaning it out for a race that was going to be there the following weekend; unfortunately however, the water levels were too low and they had to move the race to a different location. The cool thing about these guys though was the fact that they had a portable, gas powered wench that would pull the tree right out of the river–no more teams pulling trees out. After they got the trees out, they cut them up and distributed them in the forest.

Stopping Point Rapid. First Decent this spring by David Laroche and I. More on that sick rapid and run later.

Andrew Holcombe doing a big airscrew on the dries.

150,000 Miles on the truck during the drive up through Quebec.

The drive home from Canada was almost entirely through the rain. It must have been a sign for future events ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sunset on the way up through QC, beautiful.

That’s all of the B-roll stuff for now. Be sure to check back in later for more sickness,

See you on the water,

-Adam Johnson

One Comment

  1. Philly
    Posted September 3, 2007 at 6:24 pm | #

    I’m so pissed i didn’t get to go with you on that trip ๐Ÿ™ well, meff and i will probably be coming up to get our gualey on the weekend after the fest, so hopes to see yas then!

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