This is my man Billy Boylan running Grace Under Pressure on Great Falls of the Potomac River. Bill and I started kayaking back in the days of yore and have been partners in crime ever since. He spends most of his days salivating for rivers like the Dries of the New and various creeks to come up, running stuff like this after school (Bill is 16 and currently a Jr. in High School).
This photo is by John Boylan, Bill’s dad, and another partner in crime of mine . He spends less time salivating and more time working, or doing other things to distract him from salivating like Bill…
Hope you all enjoy the photo. See you on the (albeit low) river…
-Adam Johnson
That kid looks like a fag….
No way, he’s not a fag. He looks like a super hero or something. He should definitley be sponsored by Wavesport or something.
bill, you are so obvious its not even funny.
billy boylan is my hero.
billy is a firefighter too.
I gave him a blumpkin. You want a blumpkin?